nickel allergy vaping

If I dont scratch it, it reduces but I still know its there. As far as throat and mouth irritation, i only experience those symptoms when i use an atomizer for 2 long. Worst experience of quitting ever, I never want to vape again to me its a toxic poison that took away from my life, in all honesty I hope the shit gets banned I wont care Ill never touch the crap again. Change the metal studs and rivets on your jeans and buckles on your belts or buy a No-Nickel belt that's guaranteed nickel-free. The latter is characterized by the presence of extra-cutaneous manifestations, in addition to the skin lesions of the DAC, related to the introduction of nickel-containing foods. I mix my own juice with pure ingredients from a reputable lab based in the USA. Though my symptoms arent as severe as some peoples, Im suffering with very itchy skin; arms, legs, front and back of torso. If someone has been through this without prescribed steroids etc. It took about a month to get that shit out of my system. I dont know how much longer I can take it. So many things that touch our skin can irritate it or cause an allergic reaction, leading to an itchy and sometimes painful rash. Some vapers are allergic to PG, but it's possible to be allergic to the other components of e-liquid too. You are having an allergic reaction to the propylene glycol. And then the bumps started showing up on my face. Tried vaping for 3 weeks and have had an 2 abscesses on my gum. Again, completely random, no patterns. mild chest rash. Antihistamines couldnt control it. We all need to help everyone out and put the word out! I wish Id carried on smoking rather than go through this swallowing issue I am terrified of it! Ran out of ciggs and smoked a ecig for about 2 days sporadically. I dont know whether to see a doctor in hope that prednisone may heal this sooner as some have been prescribed or just wait it out. People need to be acutely aware that Nicotine is however in small doses it can help a person cope with chronic pain, But over use as with anything is never good more is not necessarily better it is just more. I could not figure it out. Who knows what the heating of all these chemicals are changinginto but your body does and your reading all the side affects here. But they made me seriously depressed. 12mg 50/50 PG by ratio. I went to a few different doctors, not linking this to the e-cigs. To those with the itchy ankles: are you sure you have not come into contact with poison oak/ivy or poison sumac? I was very fatigued from the low oxygen breathing pattern and overwhelmed with anxiety to the point of panic. It's a allergic reaction to the Chrome and Nickel used in chrome plating the Tank systems. Sometimes its in successions of 20+ spasms, sometimes its just a few and it stops, and never happens again for weeks. You . New laws are aimed at curbing vaping among teens. Ive been vaping for a little over a month and have been totally off regular cigs for about 9 days now. The itchiness, hives and nausea might (might) all be symptoms of nicotine poisoning. and ask if they make true 100% VG-based juices. Now, more recent information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that there is a possibility that vaping could be the cause of a serious lung disease which is being called "vape lung.". I have started having a blocked nose, really dry and bloody. This needs to get publicised big time. the Pred. I had to stop because it burnt my mouth, throat and wind pipe. In many e-cigarettes, puffing activates the battery-powered heating device, which vaporizes the liquid in the cartridge or reservoir. Liquids all kept in moist environment, not dry. What I can smoke isnt legal yet. I Stopped smoking cigarettes 2014 September 2nd .3 weeks later, hacking up clear salty tasting phlegm canker sore and difficulty in breathing!Day one without ecigs breathing much better,almost no phlegm .Im done with ecigs. Oh well. gotten Veg.Glycol but a bit of PG is in most so my next step is allergy specialist. Dry mouth. Absolute Beginners/New members. I will find out for sure after going a few dadays without vaping. I feel better today. The second time was the one I mentionned earlier where my whole mouth was puffed up (I went to the doc with this one) and the third time it happened was the other day together but this time I had a rash too. Stainless steel wire is an alloy composed primarily of chromium, nickel, and carbon. Is usually gone by the next morning. Eventually I started getting really itchy on my hands, between the fingers, on the fingers, and on the knucles, very rarely a little further up between knuckles and wrists. It first appeared when I tried a strawberry-kiwi flavour, then it stopped when I was vaping other not so fruity flavours and then I got pomegranate-papaya with actually tastes quite similar to the strawberry one and it started all over again! I hate this feeling and Im at work should I discontinue use or maybe Im getting sick? Seems to be same post over and over in this thread. So glad I found this website, I thought I was dying or riddled with cancer. I believe these do cause that. Eyes appear to be clearing up well. I VE been happily vaping for over a year now,started of a light user then gradually increased the amount i was using it. Doctor sent me to the hospital and I was told removing my tonsils would be best. I felt increasingly depressed about my appearance, but I also started to get very irritable and quite manic. So glad I found this site ! Be very attentive to your health when using e cigs. Even when the decongestants manage to clear up my nose, my ears are still horribly stuffed up. Nicotine is freaking dangerous, back to smoking I guess. Its an itchy patchy burning needles type feeling with little pricks in different parts of my body. I had systemic problem and they are at a loss to what it was. I only smoked a few ecigs then developed the steady ringing in my ears. I have been ill for 2 months.really illas if I have a very bad cold that never goes away..burning nose..bad chest , cough..burning throat..have been to see a specialistdoesnt know why ! As of September 2019, there are more than 450 . Anyone know how long this lasts for please . ), along with gastrointestinal . Just using 12mg nicotine. 1. ellebread 1 yr. ago. Hi I have been using the vapor for about 2 years havent smoked cigs since thanksgiving 2013 well I was trying to see if anyone has had a problem with their tonsils , I had to have a tonsilectomy march 2014 due. I know of people who went through the exact symptoms youre speaking of. Its called peripheral neuropathy. Hope you all get better soon, I know the itch is bad! My muscles hurt cramping in legs and forearms. The worst symptom is how plugged up my ears are! After having terrible reactions including night sweats, sleep issues, headaches, chills, detached/foggy sensation, and fatigue I am going to stop vaping myself. You see the companies behind vaping make more profit if they do not provide a users manual. Worked well for me maybe it can help. Marijuana vaping has also increased dramatically among teens. I am getting lesions in my nose. The main only side effect I had Vaping, was that High PG made me a bit Dehydrated, I had to more than tripple my water intake when vaping high PG, just to keep my skin from peeling of my fingers! If I peel my clothes or the sheet off, I get chilled from the sweat. Not sure cant say one way or the other but Ive stopped using it and using lozenges now and willpower Im already a wheelchair user and the last thing I need is to be dizzy. Im bummed. CBD for Allergies. watery eyes. The best strategy to prevent a nickel allergy from developing is to avoid prolonged exposure to items containing nickel. I had many times where I quit for 2-3 days and the motivation, vigor and just feeling good in my body returns pretty quickly, god knows why I always go back to vaping.. Can a person be allergic to an e cigarette? Whenever I try to research every site suggested some other cause for my health issues. But hang on a moment, nicotine is addictive and if I was a company the more I sell the more profit I make right? I never expected this to happen but it did and it couldnt have been any more random. Pressure in ears/crackling and the sensation of your ear drum beingI dont knowsuctioned with certain noises. Ugh went back to cigs and no problem. Spent 4 months now with same pain in chest non stop feeling of anxiety through the worry, had numerous other tests done at docs blood samples everything nothing showing up. (ie: It would have either spread or gone away if it were flesh eating bacteria or syphilis.) I eventually went to the doctor this Monday and she wasnt sure what was up, but put me on an antibiotic. Its a toxic feeling. So I switched to VG liquid, but it didnt make any difference. My chest is hurting when I run and I have difficulty breathing recently. A lot of people have it but ignore it. Tramontana M, et al. Check that the studio only sells hypoallergenic jewelry and can provide documentation of metal content of the products for sale. Im going through a bad reaction tooMy face mouth and throat are burning really bad..Im going to stop all together..this is not right . I pray I we all find the courage to face and conquer our addictions and get our health back.. i have beenitching almost a month and the only thing that helps me is zertec.i quit smoking ciggs all together after smoking 19 yrs.e ciggs helped me quit in 2 weeks but this itching is hell!!!!!! Doctors called it a bad case of atopic dermatitis. If the Glycerine is VG..Im lucky my dermatologist was allergic too. Started out with small hives and then developed angiooedema on every single part of my body. I started smoking e cig in 2010 after about a year.MAJOR skin issues. Then along with this I started getting painful raised bumps on my scalp .. all over my scalp and down my neck. Thanks internet =O) Its possible the Eliquid was getting on to my skin by being on my hands or cloths but my whole body would flare up not just a small area wher the liquid may have made contact. European Union legislation currently limits the amount of nickel released from metals in prolonged contact with the skin and it is hoped that the allergy may become less common in the future. PG VG its all shit to me. I now have them all over my tonsils too! I have tried 50/50 zero mg to no avail. I love vaping i hope some day there a liquid suitable for my condition, The same thing happened to me two times four days appart and all my went away about 6 hours but the dizzyness stayed for a day. Nickel allergy is often associated with earrings and other jewelry. Rash from hell. So, I started vaping just over a month ago, on November 23 to be exact. Was thinking about how bad it is to have the cell phone to my ear, so I wear earphones with a mic to chat because of the battery. If cleaning the vapor away regularly doesnt work, Ill switch to OliverTwist tobacco (little tobacco chews). I wasnt a heavy smoker and Im hoping I can last a few days without the ecig or regular cigs. It is non-stop and the pain greets me in the morning the moment I open my eyes and at night before bed it prevents me from relaxing and falling asleep like a normal human. Anyone experience this? I hope to have more information after. I started vaping 2 years ago. flavor. Has anyone experienced similar problems. Its a real problemive lost my vigour and all I can do is vape and play vids. for those who cant This was crazy. The damn acne. I was about to book an appointment with the laserderm clinic, but now am thinking my condition may be related to vaping after reading other comments on this thread. 200. It can pull double duty and be used for straight wattage vaping or temp control vaping. my nostrils and surrounding areas have started having breakouts overnight , the same type of cystic acne ppl have mentioned here and my nose/ face i have noticed are really oily, never been oily as this in my entire life. It might be the nicotine if you have any. Trying to stop but the nicotine got me. No. I am pissed too and never had an allergy before. Anyone have an idea of how long it takes to get out of your system? Have a nice day. I used 50/50 blend in my juices. im allergic to the perfume they put in soap. Obviously, that would be catastrophic. I suspect that it is the e-cigs. Is there something that a doctor could test for and something like allergy shots that I could get? but for now Id would rather have to change my hair style than to go through nicotine withdrawals. The reasons to believe that consumption of too much nickel-containing food can provoke or aggravate nickel allergy are: Advertisement . I think I will have to stop using them. Nickel is a chemical that is widely used in utensils, jewelry . I have used e cigs before but not as a rule. My chest is completely clear and I had no withdrawal symptoms. That mighmight just be from quitting smoking. Lead, nickel, tin or other heavy metals: they help heat the vaping liquid. They have little or no tolerance to nicotine. I ordered VG juice but it was no better. Its still too early to tell if its helping my other symptoms. Further information can be obtained by contacting the ATSDR Information Center at: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. I have been vaping for 4 months with a MVP and Mega tank and have been breaking out in itchy hives on my legs, arms, and body. Just on the top. Gonna have to get me some pure VG. After a couple of experiments, I stuck with VUSE for a long while because I could find them everywhere. Everyone knows the tobacco companies are adding more to keep people addicted. Started smoking e cig 2 months ago.must be e cig ! I tried all kinds of skin treatments and products denying and lying to myself it wasnt the evaping. I tried vaping for only one day, using 100 percent vg liquid. Vaping is not safe by any means and should be more heavily regulated as it is far from SAFE!. What does a nickel allergy rash look like? So i researched the e liquid i was using and realized stopped for 2 days (without having to smoke the traditional cigs, which was awesome)and felt better. Then, I decided to give up ecigs completely. Phone: 1-800-CDC-INFO 888-232-6348 (TTY) Email: Contact CDC-INFO. Had to carry epipen ever since. Bye bye ecig. I went to the Doctor who diagnosed Hives and prescribed steroids and antihistamine. Here are my symptoms. I returned to the Dr. and I am having a cat scan on my nasal passages Monday and I have to see a ENT next week. If you feel you need it in your mouth constantly, dont go for higher nicotine, go for something that can vapourise more at a lower strength. Look for jewelry made from such metals as nickel-free stainless steel, surgical-grade stainless steel, titanium, 18-karat yellow gold, or nickel-free yellow gold and sterling silver. Ended up taking prednisone which cleared the rash. Root canal treatment and antibiotics cleared this but returned days later I do DIY e-liquid so its a process of elimination to find the culprit but its a long process. Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome. Bad taste and foul breath have returned and I sometimes cough up mucus and stuff that looks like tonsil stones. I still believe in this product and hope i will find more suitable vg juice !! I went back to smoking when batteries went dead. Hi just want to add my situation. I can handle a few zits. Please convince her to stop Im 30 and felt 80 was on them for a year and was admitted to hospital with pain Thinking about going to the er. Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. Does anyone know if someone who has used this brand e-cig. I threw out the e cigs Friday morning and now I am well. Not sleeping well at all. I switched to a mod with an r.d.a. It hasnt been a month since I am vaping. I have an itchy rash on my legs mostly, around knees and upwards and I scratch myself like crazy when I wake up in the morning. Its gotten so bad that I hoped it was lice, because Id know what to do to end this! Have tried gargling with hydrogen peroxide and using CB12 mouthwash, but to no avail. I wouldnt put anything from China in my body. I quit smoking after 31 years, used the patch and nicorets gum. Nickel Allergy. Pay attention to how much you are vaping. Some are, probably, a lot purer and safer than others. Nickel allergy, also known as nickel hypersensitivity or Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS), results from an adverse immune response to nickel exposure. You dont need to go outside, no end like a cig, cheap, handy, tasty, satisfying, fun and so on. First the right hand, which in desperation I treated with some Hydrocortisone Hc45 cream. When this happens, you have contact dermatitis. Itchy rash could be contact dermatitis. Youre lying. (I went back to tobacco, because of unrelated stress.). BTW, for those who experiencing burning / sore, etc. And the ironic thingis that I was so convinced this could be explained because it could be Q-fever fatigue (and my doc agreed!). I wished I had now. I now have gone to 65vg 35pg and still am having a hard time breathing not as bad plus now a sore throat. Today my who chin is covered. Ill let you know how it goes. Try to stop altogether. It may take repeated or prolonged exposure to items containing nickel to develop a nickel allergy. its got so bad I had to visit the GP who has told me to stop it straight away, and given me antibiotics? No change in habits caused this. We do accept free e-cigarettes and accessories, but strictly for review purposes, and that does not influence our opinions of the products. Make a donation. Ill mix so it can steep. I had swollen tonsil and pain innmy throat for almost a year when i used to vape few years ago. By June 1 I was using e cigarettes just to help. I have also been to a dermatologist and he says eczema, I never have it normally though. I have been vaping for six years. I have developed very itchy skin on the back of my head. no-one seemed to know what was happening to me, i felt like a leper. Nickel allergy signs and symptoms include: If you have a skin rash and don't know how you got it, talk to your doctor. I to have about 10 plus ulcers in my mouth-ecigs been put away in cubard,good bye to that.. Give up the e-cigs and find out. You can, i have never for one day in my 25 years of smoking missed 10+ sticks a day minimum, but when i had some mild allergy i stopped vaping for 2 days and i was ok even around other traditional smokers.I might be wrong but i feel e cigs are aimed at making one quit not to enhance your smoking prowess. I had smoked analogs for more than 30 years. Little is known about the effect of vaping on the immune system. I will struggle to give up as its permanently in my hand whether Im using it or not! Nickel allergy may lead to autoimmune disease. hope the hives go away now. I actually thought it was the pain pills i am on that were faulty. I have just got some serious tooth/gum/jaw issues. And who would like 32mg nicotine strength? I also am weezing less than when I vaped. Switch to a PG-free (100 percent VG) e-liquid if you're allergic to PG, and avoid any flavorings likely to cause . Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. We decided to use e-cigs instead about 4 months ago. Thank you! No amount of topical creams or cortisone will calm it or make it go away. Im quitting ecigs today to see if it helps. did you get a fever mine was as high as 100.8. After scratching the itch, small white bumps appear (hives?) I know thats a stretch but the only time Im symptom free is first thing in the morning after a night of not vaping & the symptoms begin about the third vape. Vaping can also irritate your lungs, making current allergies worse, and agitating asthma. I know that is what caused it and has been over a week. Im now on day 3 with Nicorette spray to quit the vaping habit because I vaped (responsibly) 12mg ejuice. Cant sleep and just plain feel blah. Inadvertent standard pen, mini pro tank 3, normal 650 battery. from exercise. Ecigs are bad. However, during this time, I have developed an eczema type rash over and under both eyelids. This is so sad. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. It could be either an allergic reaction or a stress reaction to a histamine reaction. Surgical-grade stainless steel may contain some nickel, but it's generally considered hypoallergenic for most people. Very light cig smoker when I started vaping one year go. Crail, Extreme flu like symptoms and in extreme cases death. Who knows what is in it but when I switched to a cheap brand this started and the previous was pg as well. Nicotine level at start of issues such as leg cramps: 1.8 The researchers then measured the levels of a number of toxic metals like lead, chromium, nickel, and manganese, both in the eliquid and in the vapour. Has anyone got any alternative suggestions, other than will power??? I barely eat anything now. I got dry skin with red bumbs a couple a months ago but it stopped. Regulated (Voltage / Wattage / 3.7v/ Temp Control) . I have been vaping for 3 years. I am not able to keep a good pace when walking my co a pace that keeps weight off) it has just hit me suddenly, Im thinking it might be cold, as that can come at u after 40 yrs of 20 a day, so am going to get checked out. I was thinking of changing my mattress too! in response to Alison on September 19TH: I came here to see if anyone else was experiencing skin problems due to vaping. Also chest feels weird at times and mucus drips constantly in back of throat. Go back to smoking so they fill the hospital rooms with lung cancer patients? Best of luck to you! I want to keep vaping, and people need to band together to find out what is causing the issues, and ELIMINATE the issue if possible. I have been so pro ecig for the past few years but now that I have had these symptoms and even though I have stopped VAPING for 3 days now, the symptoms are still there. I would advise contacting reputed e-liquid vendors (Halo, Totally Wicked E-liquid, Alien Vision, Goodejuice, etc.) E-cigarette liquids and vapors contain metals and metalloids at levels likely to be harmful to people's health, and people who vape have higher levels of these elements in their blood and other . It needs to be treeded as poison. December 2013 I kept pinching a few drags from the then girlfriend and my lips swelled up x 5, to the point of not being able to talk. vaping with nickel dangerous ?? I can breath but its red on my sides and is hit when u you touch it, I quit smoking tobacco about 3 months ago and switched to e cigs. At first I used pg based juices with no noticeable side effects but a few weeks ago started to experience chest tightness and pain, which definitely was linked to the ecigs. Id like to add a possible culprit to the list: toxins from the heating core. After 10 emergency visit in 2014 finally I know ecig is killing me. Does vaping cause allergic reactions? A very small proportion of the nickel-allergic population are hyper-sensitive. Thinking I was doing my body good. I get headaches, and my neck muscle spasms and one of my jaw muscle was spasming shut a few times.

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