the effect of temperature on a tennis ball experiment

For this reason, you will often notice that the players performance during the summer is different from their performance in winter. Standing on the strong chair will have a better height to drop the balls from, which means that the results will be more accurate. Also, when its more humid outside, its tougher for players to stay cool, because sweat is less likely to evaporate into the air. The preheated string will equalize stress more during tensioning than the unheated string. Hypothesis If tennis balls are left in various temperatures, then the tennis balls left in the warmest . While nylon and polyester are less durable than nylon and responsive to unfavorable conditions, they are still more robust than natural gut. On the other hand, the thermal energy of a warmer string helps break weak bonds between molecule chains, allowing greater flow and elongation of the string during stretching. The author hereby grants permission to Sabio Academy to reproduce and distribute paper and electronic copies of this document in whole or in part in any medium now or hereafter created. Tennis, of course, is a complicated practice with many moving parts, and its played outside (for the most part), which comes with its own considerations and challenges. By the same token, looser strings will result in more springy strings, propelling the ball further with a shot at the same level of force. I did notice a different in weight. Borlings, D. (2011). They were first used by the French monks in the game known asJeu de Paume. (Borlings, 2011)These balls were often packed with sawdust wrapped in leather. The balls which were placed in a freezer had a bounce percentage of 54.90. Thus it takes quick reaction time and reflexes to play at higher levels. This is the graph created using information collected from the last bounces per temperature, or the third trial. Molecules of a gas can effortlessly expand and contract. This scientific mystery can be demonstrated at home or school with a simple experiment. (Incorporation, 2011) This method was used for a long time. Notebook If a 82,37,and 70 degree tennis ball are dropped,then the 82 degree tennis ball will bounce the highest because the molecules in the 82 degree tennis ball will move faster. Setup #1 Tension vs timing of heat application. Figure 8 Closeup of stiffness vs temperature for each nylon and polyester string. The result differed from expectation in that, except for 4 strings, the 40 preheat scenario had the least loss of tension. Place DrDAQ on the floor and configure it to measure the "sound level" with a sampling rate of 10 ms Start recording the sound level. Exploratorium: That's The Way The Ball Bounces. Top "The Effect of Temperature on a Bouncing Ball." The Effect of Temperature on a Bouncing Ball. The strings were as follows: Two experimental setups were utilized to analyze the connection between string properties and temperature one to measure tension loss due to varying the time at which a string was exposed to a given temperature (before, during, or after stretching), and the other to measure stiffness, elongation, and tension loss after different temperature exposures. Sealable plastic bags The plots show that the errors must follow a generally normal pattern, which is a good indication of a well-fitted line. The experiments The most striking result is how much tension is lost during the 40 C post-tensioning-heating scenario compared to room temperature. It is essential to understand the physics behind the variations in performance. The second apparatus was a materials testing machine (Figure 4). Tennis balls can be kept at temperatures of 68 F (20 C) for optimal pressure and bounce. Players often wonder how storing their racquets in the trunk of their car during extreme hot or cold weather would influence tension and performance? Tension stabilization continues forever, but at a continually decreasing pace. Only string number 7 does not fit the pattern of stiffness being inversely related to temperature. Figure 12 Tension vs time for a string tensioned to 28 kg for several different time intervals prior to clamping. Krista Sheehan is a registered nurse and professional writer. Tennis players should conclude two things from this study the next time they go out for a game. They found that tennis rackets perform noticeably differently at different temperatures, as well as be affected by the conditions during which stringing itself takes place. Two different types of balls, Penn Championship and Non-Championship will be compared. The regression Graphs 3, 4 show R squared values considerably higher than any of the time regression models. The ends of the tube were closed off to keep the temperature as constant as possible during the test. When you have heated the balls, you will have provided them more energy to move about, and as such, they will be able to bounce to higher heights when they are dropped to the ground. Is a Photograph equally sharp in all area? What is the effect of. Synthetic materials hold up better, on the other hand. Using balls that are all new means that your experiment will be more consistent, and as such, you will be able to get the best kind of results. The question of concern was whether adding heat after stabilization would start (or accelerate) tension loss. Ball 1 had a sample standard deviation of 3.312 while ball 2 was 3.177. The paper will focus on the some of the types of the serves and the ways in which the upper extremity are involved in the game. co2 is carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is an expanding gas. As shown in Figure 10, elongation is proportional to temperature. (Incorporation, 2011)After, chemicals would generate pressurizing gas which was to be added to the rubber outline. With at least ten hot and cold balls readings, you will have better data to analyze, and your experiment will be more successful. A string was inserted inside clear perspex tube with two open ends and through a small hole in a rubber stopper at each end of the tube. In order for maximum force to be generated, a tennis player needs a good stable base from where they can begin the movement. The bladder inside the ball is what holds the air. For instance, some games are usually held during the summer, and others are held during the winter. This showed that the non-championship ball was more consistent than the championship ball in the test. Now the equilibrium between the tension and the bonds is broken. Overall the residual plots show that the fit is good, but there is some considerable doubt and, it is possible another model might fit the data even better. The 40 C tests were performed in two ways: first by heating the string to 40 C with a heat gun just prior to tensioning the string to 28 kg (62 lb) and then letting the string stabilize at constant elongation for 100 seconds. i was just worried even if they are correct or not. According to Aleks Szymanski from, tennis balls are hollow and contain air that expands in the event of high temperatures, causing the balls to bounce more freely. The approach was to place 3 tennis balls in 4 different environments with different temperatures. Ice chest with ice Tennis serve is the shot that starts off the point. The physiology of a tennis ball contains a hollow core made out of a rubber-like material. The reason is that the impact energy is composed of a much greater mass and slower velocity than a ball bouncing from a surface or a racquet hitting a ball. Stiffness is the property that measures the result of all these elongation, duration, and relaxation processes. What players feel when hitting in various temperature conditions is the combined effect. This means that the hypothesis was supported because it stated that if the uniform temperature of a tennis ball is increased, then it will bounce higher. This allows more elongation at lower stresses than occur at lower temperatures. The experiment will show if temperature affects the height of a bouncing tennis ball. Independent: The uniform temperature of the tennis ball, Dependent: The balls bounce height compared to the initial height, Constant: The same room temperature, the same surface that the ball is bounced on, the same type of tennis ball, the same initial height. Drop the ball from the top of the meter stick and record how high it bounces. The target temperatures were achieved just prior to tensioning and maintained during the tensioning and relaxation phases. Put 2 in the freezer, also for 10 mins, so they can First, make a way for the ball to drop from the same height every time. The temperature of a tennis ball greatly affects how high it bounces. An experiment was performed to determine the effect of temperature on the stiffness, elongation, tension loss and maintenance of tennis strings. As the molecules expand, their energy increases as they bounce around more erratically. For the heating during the tension loss phase, the starting temperature was 20 C. Tension was increased to 28 kg and 200 seconds were allowed to pass. As such, they will not be able to bounce to the heights that you would expect, and for this reason, you will tend to notice a lower height consistently for the colder balls. Time out of the can does pose a significant relationship, although that relationship can not be proven with the data from this experiment. Repeat for each of the hot and cold balls and record the readings for each ball. When a tennis ball is compressed, its internal air pressure is boosted. Each contributes to how a ball performs. The temperature of the ball affects the elasticity of the material of the ball. A string was secured between two clamps 200 mm apart at start and running through a clear perspex tube with rubber plugs in each end. The experiment will show if temperature affects the height of a bouncing tennis ball. Fourteen strings were tested: 1 gut, 1 kevlar, 7 nylon, 5 polyester. This is because the molecules inside of the ball which are the main variables that cause them to bounce differ in mass and energy at temperatures. This isnt something that you can control. Try comparing a baseball to a golf ball or a tennis ball. The Effect of Temperature, Time, and Humidity on the Bounce of Tennis Balls. During fast volley bouts your muscles often react. Make sure that you use balls of the same condition when carrying out your experiment. Its essential to store rackets at room temperature and in non-moist environments to minimize breakdown of the strings and to extend their working life. Stiffness and elongation are proportional to temperature, though the effect is not great. As the tennis ball returns to its normal shape, the gas inside the ball acts as a spring and causes the ball to bounce into the air. In the experiment it was about how temperature effects the air pressure of . Do you know what mechanics are really behind the outer layer? For nylon, the 40 string loses more tension than the 20 string. (Sheehan, 2011)Its just like a trampoline: When one jumps on a trampoline, the material one the trampoline expands and stretches, and when it does, the trampoline is forced to come back up to its original state, causing one to bounce on the trampoline. The data from this experiment will show their differences. Also, this is the graph created by information collected from the second bounce, or the second trial per temperature. Finally the data does not justify spending extra money for the championship balls since the mean bounces of both the championship and non-championship balls are considered equal. When the ball is still very new, there is usually a lot of air inside it. By not rejecting H0 means the two different balls would be considered equal. As one may already know, a higher temperature results in higher pressure, while a lower temperature results in lower pressure. It is true that temperature greatly affects the pressure of a tennis ball; temperature can increase and reduce pressure of a tennis ball, depending on the heat added or taken away; this would benefit people designing objects to absorb shock. It will, however, continue to equalize stress after tensioning more quickly than the unheated string, so will lose a bit more tension than the unheated string. Sometimes, new balls might give you different results than older balls which means that your experiment will require a new source of data to determine whether you are getting accurate results. Place the video camera on a level that will be able to clearly record the experiment, whilst a person sits beside the tape measurer From the things they can controllike diet, rest, and conditioning, to the things that are relatively less predictablelike weather conditions and temperature, good players are continually considering all eventualities. Required fields are marked *. (Harriman, 2012)When the temperature increases, the gas molecules expand and as they expand, the energy of them increases, causing them to bounce more tempestuously. Record the temperature. The cubic fit is shown by R squared values of .396 and .331 and, the regression is able to predict between two and three times as many of the points as the linear regression. The stiffness tests closely approximated the expected result that stiffness would have an inverse relationship to increase in temperature. Have another person measure and record how high the ball bounces. Energy Flow and Return Between a Tennis Ball and Stringbed, Free-standing vs Hand-held Racquet Testing. Thermometer The stiffness of the gut and nylon strings seemed to be more sensitive to temperature than did the polyester and kevlar strings. This type of heating has a permanent effect. While a temperature change in one direction has a high-bouncing effect, a temperature change in the other direction reduces the balls bouncing abilities. Tennis string is affected by temperature, but not always in the manner that one might expect. This is expected. (Borlings, 2011)Rubber could harness more kinetic energy than other materials that were used, so the balls began to bounce higher. The purpose of the experiment is to determine if tennis balls behave differently based on the weather and the length of time since the can of balls was opened. Equipment: - two tennis balls - a refrigerator - tape measurer - video camera - bluetack Variables: Likewise, will a tennis racquet perform differently at different temperatures, or will the stringbed stiffness be affected if the racquet is strung at different temperatures? Heating pad The temperature of the ball influences its coefficient of restitution. Most players focus on tension, but that is only useful in as much as it predicts stiffness, which is often the case for comparing an individual string at different tensions but not for comparing different strings to each other. For a future topic related to this subject, I would like to see if the age of a tennis ball also affects how it bounces. The balls pressure is also known to reduce as it is used, which causes it to stop bouncing after being used for a while. When the first two examples were done, I noticed that there was a slight trend between the ending pressures as the temperatures decreased. The tennis balls were left for 4 hours to adequately cool down. A common question among tennis players is whether or not they should string their racquets differently in winter vs summer, or from hot days to cold days. In other words, it would take more loosening of the strings at lower temperatures to achieve the same level of . (Borlings, 2011)However, in 1470, Louis XI of Franceforbade the filling of tennis balls and said that they should be filled with high-quality leather. (Sheehan, 2011)Also, as most people know, the molecules that make up gas can easily expand or contract. Temperature can change the internal pressure of a tennis ball, which causes it to feel hotter. With an increase in the temperature, the gas molecules within the tennis ball start to expand. Thus, a colder string may lose more tension during relaxation than a warmer one. Required fields are marked *. With this, it will look at the movements that occur at each of the upper extremity together with the muscles that are in use at the joints. Tennis balls in the 1400s were quite similar to the first tennis balls, butthey were stuffed with chalk, sand, sawdust, or earth. Ball History. Many things are better when aged, and I would like to know if this is also true for tennis balls. Figure 7 is qualitative in that the horizontal axis is simply the itemization of each string, and thus each curve does not demonstrate any quantitatively causative relationships. Gather 15 to 20 tennis balls and a measuring tape. Page #10 . Tennis balls are best kept at 68 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 degrees Celsius for optimum pressure and bounce; at these temperatures, the balls can retain their optimal pressure and bounce. Bocce ball was steadily rising and falling in popularity, until a major resurgence in 1896, when it was admitted an olympic sport, and has been part of the summer olympics ever since. For ball 1 a value of 0.925 was found and 0.908 was found for ball 2. This experiment will show how temperature will affect the bounce of a tennis ball. Bocce has really become such a widespread sport because you can participate no matter how old, what your race is, or what gender you are. Later, the data would be compared by calculating the percentage of the bounce height over the initial height. Figure 12 Closeup of tension loss vs temperature for each nylon and polyester string. While high temperature and high humidity are technically different measures, they often occur together. Percentages of the tennis balls bounce. Hypothesis: The normal tennis ball will bounce higher than the tennis ball that was placed in the freezer for some time as the air molecule inside are not affected but for the cool tennis ball its air is compressed affecting its bounce. The question also required me to determ wheter or not I could use the same weight as I normally do while using the stability ball? Retrieved 8 24, 2012, from LIVESTRONG:, Incorporation, I. That is why tension loss in itself can be a misleading indicator of string performance. Gas molecules are generally unorganized; they easily slide around and over one another to fill up any space they occupy. british airways seat size; moen bathroom faucets single handle; eardwulf the last kingdom sister Figure 8 presents just such a picture grouped by materials. (Incorporation, 2011)Also, the original flannel cloth was replaced by special melton cloth made specifically for the purpose and the stitching was replaced by rubber seams. The result is more viscous behavior with chains slipping, sliding, and reorienting relative to each other. Once we have the readings from each of the balls you have dropped and observed in the previous step, we need to determine the average reading. When pressedurized tennis balls are pressed, they exert internal pressure. Temperature has a significant positive relationship with the bounce height of tennis balls. Many athletes use basketballs, soccer balls, and volley balls to play their sports. My daughter is in the 5th grade and she is doing this experiment. It is the relaxation that occurs both during and after the stretch that is significant. Because of the intense heat or cold, and depending on the material, tennis strings can be significantly affected in ways that change the way the ball reacts to the racket and the players actions. The expected result was that the tension loss would increase for each string by about the same amount, regardless of whether it was heated before tensioning or after tensioning. Aim: The aim of this experiment is to see which ball is better quality for bouncing and what is a lot more reasonable for price and size. Figure 10 Closeup of elongation vs temperature for each nylon and polyester string. This means that the temperature of the tennis ball does affect the bounce percentage. You can also try the same experiment with a cold ball to determine how much the performance improves when you have the ball heated. A good example of this would be, when designing buildings to survive in areas where earthquakes happen frequently. Soccer balls, Penn Championship and Non-Championship will be compared by calculating the percentage of 54.90 same condition when out! The regression Graphs 3, 4 show R squared values considerably higher than any of the gut and strings... 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