Membrane Cleaning Optimization Study Membrane Forensics provides membrane cleaning services for 4-inch and 8-inch polyamide thin-film composite and cellulose acetate membranes. Membranes are cleaned in either 1M or 2M (one membrane or two membrane) vessels in order to minimize cross contamination and setback. All membrane cleaning services are guaranteed to be satisfactory. Additionally, our Membrane Forensics services can conduct cleaning studies on flat sheet membrane samples. |
Site-Specific Pilot Testing In the development and design phases of a new RO plant, it may be beneficial to run a pilot test. PWT’s expert services team offers custom in-house and off-site pilot testing services and technical assistance to ensure optimum system design and performance. 신규 RO 설비의 Design 및 개발 단계에서 저렴하게 pilot를 운영할수 있습니다. |
기술상담 및 지원 |
본사 |
Tel : 031-354-6123 |
Fax : 031-366-1263 |
호남영업소 |
Tel : 063-851-1264 |
Fax : 063-854-1265 |
부산영업소 |
Tel : 051-796-1264 |
Fax : 051-796-1265 |
wschei@naver.com |